Mary Catherine Driscoll, i.e., our
Kate, has been selected as Outstanding Alumna 2011. As many of you
know, Kate's life over the past 45 years has been one of
accomplishment and service...a life that truly honors the goals of a
Nazareth College liberal arts education.
She rose in her 33-year career with
the Department of Labor to a Regional Director position overseeing the
work of 14 counties in NYS. But, in addition to that, she has served
the Rochester community, the church and Nazareth in countless ways as
a tireless volunteer, often taking on leadership roles. And, perhaps
most notably, she has done all this with compassion, intelligence and
good humor!
There will be a more complete
description of her contributions in Connections magazine but,
for now, we encourage you to attend the banquet to be held at
Mario's on the Saturday night of Reunion Weekend to cheer for our
classmate as she is presented with the award.
The Class of '66 has much to