Class of '66
Edisto 2014! Sign
up at:
website is for and by the members of the Class of
1966. Click here
to go to the main Nazareth College site.
January 26, 2014
Mary Ellen and Nancy have invited us to Edisto again!
This time to celebrate that it is 20 years since we
turned 50!
Dates: March 11-14 (Tues-Friday) with the hope that
weekday fares would be lower
Details at:
Sign up at:
Send us a message if you can't be there:
..... I think you are getting the idea:
There is a quilt to raffle with proceeds to go to
Nazareth College. There is a special message
for anyone who has not yet made it to Edisto and is
wondering what it would be like to be the
kid on the block". As she says: "
Coming together in this magical place
is a gift that needs to be experienced."
hope to see you all there, whether it is your
first time or you are an Edisto veteran.
Email Pauline at
February 2, 2012
Mary Ellen and Nancy have invited
us to Edisto again.
This time to celebrate the "50th
anniversary of our having left high school to go to
Dates: April 19-22 (Thurs-Sunday)
unless your travel plans/$$ dictage Monday.
Details at:
Sign up at:
Send us a message if you can't be
..... I think you are getting the idea: www.edisto2012.
Or, if you want to get there the
hard way:
Hope you can join us! As
usual, questions:
Sept 4, 2011
Hope everyone is having a fine Labor Day
weekend, and that you
have recovered from Irene.
See the latest info Kate has re the Class
Year Giving Goal.
June 23, 2011
Donna Eddy Treat and her husband Ray have
sent us 105 photos
from the reunion. See two samples above.
HERE to see
the two group shots. I did the best I could
from memory on the names. I will
work on fixing.
I will post more as soon as I get a chance but you can
download them ALL by
doing the following:
- Breathe
deeply. You can do this.
- Go
(Just click on the link at the left)
- You
will get a message saying "do you want to open or
save this file?"
- Click
on SAVE.
- It
will open up a window that shows the folders on your
- Pick
a place on your computer where you have 34 MB of
space or just click on My Documents and click on
Save and it will start to download the file.
- It
took about 1 minute for the zip file to download on
my DSL internet connection. If you have a slow
connection it will take longer. Go get a cup of
coffee--or something stronger if you need it.
- When
the file finished downloading, use the My Computer
browser to go to the place where you put it.
- Click
on the file and it will ask you where
to Extract the files. Again, pick a place.
- Click
on Extract and wait til it unzips the files--more
new computers have Zip and Unzip built in.
- Voila!
You have 105 lovely photos from the reunion.
- If
that did not work, ask once of your kids or
grandkids to help you
May 22, 2011
Reunion Countdown!!! What's left to do?
Check the Countdown
May 11, 2011
More words from Kate re how we are going to
legacy to the college.
The Quilt is done! See more, click
May 3, 2011
in your Reservation!
Click here to see more reasons why!
Deadline May 25th. If you have not yet gotten a
registration packet in the
mail, you can
Mail or Messages:
If you can't come
to Rochester and want to send a message to the class,
email it to:
sure that is naz1966 not 66 and that it
is .org not .com
March 26, 2011
Lots more news:
More info re the Friday
Pajama Party at the dorm.
And, do you have a Fond
Memory that you would like to share for the class
At latest reading, the Flyers Leaderboard
showed that...the
Class of '66 Flyers have covered 23,715 miles
That's a cool 14,072 miles ahead of the class in 2nd
Now to work on the "best photo" and "most handlers"
awards. We already have the Pantheon in Rome (the
country), Nazareth (the
original city, not the school) and riding a camel...
Check it out at Flight of the
Flyers. You can see all the 1966 Flyers by
going to the By Year box and
selecting 1966 from the drop down. You can see the
Leaderboard by clicking on
About the Flyers on the home page and then scrolling down.
March 6, 2011:
More from Cathy
the Flyers! Which class is leading in the mileage
February 19, 2011: NOTE: Just fixed the Flight
of the Flyers link below.
It works now!. Sorry.
February 10, 2011
New letter from Kate re $$$.
it out. We are still finding emails for
classmates. If you know
a classmate who is not hearing from us, please send her
email along to me:
Watch for a Golden Flyer!
There are 4 eagles flying around the world looking for
1966 classmates. Heidi,
Francesca, Samuel, and Darwin.
If you want one to come visit at your house, click here:
and click on the "Get a flyer" link.
December 14, 2010
If you missed the letter from Karen and Cathy, click
here to see it in all its glory!
Things are starting to move on the reunion. Where did the
45 years go? Watch
here for more information and if you know of anyone from
our class who is not
getting emails from us and wants to, please pass that
information along to
YEAR END GIVING: See the note
from Kate Driscoll
Reunion 2011
A gift to
Nazareth is always part of our reunion
celebration. As
you heard from Cathy and Karen, this reunion I
get to be the one to ask you for money –again. I
didn’t exactly volunteer for the assignment, I
just called in sick the night of the first
reunion planning meeting. It’s not a difficult
job though because you make it so easy.
After the
first of the year, I’ll get out more detailed
information on what we hope to be able to give
and how we’re going to strategize that.
is just a reminder that any gift you give to
Nazareth before the end of the year (think
“tax deduction”) will count toward our class
gift. I’ll be in touch soon. (To give
with a credit card go to:
Have a
beautiful Christmas and a wonder-filled New
Year !
November 4, 2010
And, Karen and Bunny have asked if "we are tired
I figure only Donna and Judy are tired of the idea
of buying raffle tickets to
possibly win a quilt! Sample quilt square
So, I have set up an email
so that YOU can tell us how you feel about"
- having a wonderful handmade quilt to take home
from the reunion--or have shipped to you if you
can't make it in person
- having a tax deduction for a Donation ;-)
unless you win ;-))
- being certain that someone in our
class will win it....maybe even this time YOU!
The Nazareth
Alumni Office
is reminding us: our
45th reunion will be at Nazareth On June 3-5,
Lots of photos, etc. at Nazareth
Website. There is even a countdown clock, so
you can plan to
the second!
Save the date.
September 17, 2010

Maureen Clancy Bernard died and was buried in MA
the week of September 12, 20100. We heard
from her husband, Joe Bernard. He
told us that she had a kidney and tumor removed
about 5 years ago and the cancer reappeared
about 3 months ago in the brain. He wrote, “Our
family was truly blessed to have such a
wonderful person in our lives for all of these
years.” It does not seem possible that she
is gone.
read obituary, click here.
September 12, 2010
Something to think about: Our 45th Reunion is coming up!
Where did the years
Save the date: Rochester--Friday, Saturday, Sunday June
3-5, 2011.
More info to come. There are planning meetings taking
place already. So, if
you have things you would like to have happen that
weekend, let me know and I
will forward them on to the Development Office.
August 9, 2010
Long story short--as they say here in Downeast Maine--the
registry company
ate our other URL so we have a new one:
And, you can send email to all the classmates for
whom we have email
addresses (about 100) for by addressing your email to:
If you
know of anyone who would like to be on the list and is
not, or, if you would
like to be taken off, send email to me at
and I will do the appropriate edits.
March 27, 2010
How did it get to be Spring 2010? Hard to believe but it
has been OVER A YEAR
since our gathering at Edisto.
Pat Billies sent along this story above about Ann Costello
Martini and husband
John and the start of the Anthony Road Wine Company.
Where Did the Rest of this Page Go?
I moved a lot of the stuff that was getting rather old. Click
here to go there.
Or, try the SEARCH
Webmistress? Click here.
Note from the
WebMistress: A.K.A. Pauline Angione. If you have
questions re local stuff, send
them to me also. I will get answers from Mary Ellen
and/or Nancy and post here
so we all know
Some of you might recognize my siblings and/or my
parents. And, there are a lot
of pictures of my friends and family.
Back to top of this page.
Page last Revised: 22 May
2011 Pauline