
$      CLASS GIFT REUNION 2011     $

A gift to Nazareth is always part of our reunion celebration.  
As you heard from Cathy and Karen, this reunion I get to be the one to ask you for money –again.  
I didn’t exactly volunteer for the assignment, I just called in sick the night of the first reunion planning meeting. It’s not a difficult job though because you make it so easy.

After the first of the year, I’ll get out more detailed information on what we hope to be able to give and how we’re going to strategize that.

This is just a reminder that any gift you give to Nazareth before the end of the year (think “tax deduction”) will count toward our class gift.

I’ll be in touch soon.

Have a beautiful Christmas and a wonder-filled New Year !

To give directly on the College website go to: http://www.naz.edu/makeagift