Judy (Rectenwald) Davis
-----Original Message----- Dear Pauline, It was so nice to hear from you. I don’t know where the time has gone since our 50th birthday, but it surely went quickly! I can’t help but think that the next birthday party will be “70”!!! Oh, my! Unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend our celebration. I am still working, at least until next June. Then I plan to retire from teaching. Presently, I am a resource teacher at WestGeneseeHigh School inSyracuse working with seniors with learning disabilities. Most of my students are college bound, and they challenge me every day. Since I was home for many years with my own 3 daughters, I had to spend more time now in the work field in order to retire with any benefits at all. Our daughters are all married, and we have one grandson, 4yrs. old. One daughter is in Syracuse (a teacher married to a teacher), one is in Maryland (a Ph.D working for Homeland Security married to a Ph.D working at Univ. of Maryland), and one is in Virginia (starting on a new career after working for the Fed. Govt. for 10 yrs. married to a Secret Service Agent). My husband is an IT teacher at a local business college. Please share this information with all my classmates and know that I will be thinking of you as you celebrate being 60. yrs. YOUNG! Thanks again for keeping in touch. Judy Davis PS I thoroughly enjoyed your website |