Mary Ellen Palmeri----- Original Message -----
From: Palmeri,
Mary E
To: D.
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2004 2:20 PM
Subject: Please say hi for me.....
Dear Naz Bookclub/'66 Classmates, Dorothy shared that you're all meeting for dinner tonight so I thought I'd say hello. Living in Los Angeles for the past eight years has been good, but I do wish it were easier to visit "Back East"... I miss a lot of wonderful opportunities for gatherings. To summarize the highlights of my recent life: I've been working at the corporate headquarters for the Disney Store most of the years I've been here in California. Its been a good job situation for me, and my first experience in the corporate world... a world I'm glad I didn't get involved with early in life! I'm on a design team in their Creative department, working as an artist and photographer. Most of my previous working career has been in Education... teaching in private alternative schools, public schools, and art workshops. I wanted to try something different when we moved here, and I got it! But being in the Creative Department is a unique situation, and somewhat buffered from the insanity of the business world! The last few years I've been working three days a week for Disney, and the rest of the week for myself. Its been fun being able to teach again, if only at the occasional workshop. My personal work is varied, ranging from drawing and painting to mixed media and photography, but in later years I've focused more on the paper arts. While teaching I developed an interest in origami, which became a passion, and I teach many workshops on paper-folding. I also create one-of-a-kind books and booklets, and various paper-engineered projects, including many pop-up cards. Both of my children live in California also. My son Thor was the first to move out here, and lived in San Francisco for many years. Then eight years ago I moved to the North Hollywood area, and a year later my daughter Astrud joined her brother in SF. They are both now in Oakland.... Thor lives with his partner Shannon and her 10yr old son Gabriel, and Astrud and her husband Jay just celebrated the first birthday of their son Jet... who I can't get enough of! I am grateful to the internet and e-mail which enables me to keep in regular contact with my family and friends from all over the country. I've traveled quite a bit since leaving Nazareth and have lived in many locations over the years. I've also enjoyed access to photos from the 60th birthday party; those of you who were able to attend must have had a wonderful time. I had to save my vacation time for this August when I'll be on the beach at Wilmington, N.C. with my siblings and their families, so I wasn't able to participate in what must have been a meaningful reunion. If anyone would like to share thoughts, memories, ideas, pictures, etc... please drop me a line! Love, mary.e.palmeri@disney.com Disney Store Creative |