Reunion Quilt
Karen Boggs and and Bernadette (Bunny) Remick Oberg made a quilt as a fund raiser for the Class of 1966.
They donated the
materials and their efforts to the Nazareth College Gift from the Class of
1966, raising over $1,200 with the raffle.
Thanks again to Bunnie and Karen for all of their work
on the beautiful quilt.
Winner: Donna Eddy Treat--herself a quilter so even more appreciative of
their efforts.
She still has her Freshman beanie so we figure the quilt is in good

Karen and Bunny report that the quilt is now "auditioning"


Bunny using the long arm quilting machine to do the sandwich (top,
batting, and bottom). |

Karen holds up 3 completed squares

Bunny doing the actual piecework for the top of the quilt. |

The quilt is composed of 2 1/2 inch squares in a variety of
purple and gold shades-10 different fabrics-all cotton.
It is a large twin or sofa throw-definitely for taking naps.
Karen tells us: "I have been quilting for 25 and still
love it. Bunny started one year ago and she is an A+ quilter. We belong to a
local group (8 ladies-we are not the youngest)."
The facts:
Karen and Bunny will be selling raffle tickets.
Tickets can only be purchased by women who have
been members of the Class of 66.
Tickets are 1/$10 or 3/$25.
Tickets can be purchased either:
before the September reunion by mail with check
made out to "Nazareth College of Rochester" --see below
at the 2006 September Reunion (Friday night party,
Saturday luncheon-checks only).
They prefer to sell tickets at the reunion.
Winning ticket will be drawn at the luncheon on
Saturday Sept. 23
They will call or email the winner if she is not
If you can't attend send checks. Use form below and we will mail you ticket
receipts with numbers.
Karen Boggs
PO Box 82
Warnerville,New York 12187
Phone-518 234 7789
Bunny Remick Oberg
PO Box 88
Guilderland New York 12084 Phone 518 456 6568
Name(including maiden name) _________________________________________________