

Want to see your grandchildren here? Email me some names, dates, ages and a photo or two. Email to: pauline@naz66.org

This list below is in order by Maiden name. 

The pictures are as I get them, more recent at top.   Click on name on list below to go to pictures.

Click on picture to see larger picture. Click BACK on your browser to return to this page.  
NEW: Click on the classmate's name below to send her an email.

Donna Eddy Treat

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Halloween 2005


Ella Nicole Padilla (the butterfly).  Ella is now 2.5 years old –our family is truly blessed

Sister Donna Eddy Treat (St. Margaret for our St. Mary of the Assumption, Scottsville, NY “All Saint’s Faith Formation Party”),  Jessica Lynn Yoon Hee Treat Padilla (herself) and Ella Nicole Padilla (the butterfly).


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Gail Kinsky Palermo  <<-click here to email Gail   9 Grandchildren!! 

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<-- Phil and Gail Palermo with their 10 grandchildren


--> Phil and Gail Palermo, 8 children; 3 spouses; 2 girlfriends; 10 grandchildren

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Vinny and 
Isabelle Palermo


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Nathan, Sam, and Megan Williams

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Marissa, Corrin, Mitchell and Grace Louis

Pat Murray Brooks

Sent: Sunday, July 02, 2006 8:05 AM
Subject: Grandchildren
Who said being a grandmother was all play and no work? Pictured are Ella, Chase and Nanny aka Pat Murray Brooks--no room for third grandchild, Hunter.
All are Michaela Brooks Whitman's children.


Pat Cooper Billies

From: Pat Billies [mailto:pabnca@ntid.rit.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2005 11:20 PM
Subject: It's a girl!

Hi everyone,

We have a beautiful, healthy granddaughter, Maria Rose, 7 lb 7 oz and a month early!  We arrived at the hospital just before she was delivered on Monday, and shared the huge relief of her first hours.  There’s magic that happens in families as we share together such a joyous occasion! 

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Maria Rose. Born December 2005

Maria Rose. Proud parents: Tim and Jen. 

Karen Moore Larimer  <<-click here to email Karen

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All four granddaughters were recently with us, a rare, but wild and fun happening! They are from left our daughter Beth's (and husband Brian's) girls, Mollie (1 1/2), Grace (4) and Emma (6).

The baby is our son John's (and wife Bridget's) little girl Maya (6 mos). Maya was born the morning we arrived in Edisto.
Thanks for giving us this venue in which to be obnoxious grandparents, Pauline. The customers in the check out lines at Wegmans were getting a little tired of me accosting them with pictures.

Camille Vistocco DelVecchio  <<-click over there to email Camille

img_0267.jpg (32109 bytes) Prince Owen
January 2005

~ 5 months

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Owen Gabriel Kucharski made his debut at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, August 17, 2004.

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Happy Dad
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"Owen Gabriel. Need I say that he is incredibly handsome and bright and happy?"

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Mom Molly. A.K.A. Camille's daughter.


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From Camille, re Grandparenthood: 

"Well, dear friends, I highly recommend grandparenthood. It's a lot like being in love. You daydream about the beloved, your mind wanders constantly, you wonder what they are doing right now, you think about what you'll do the next time you're together. You bore your friends to tears talking about how cute, sweet, fascinating blah, blah, blah blah, blah....."


Mary Ellen Foody O'Leary  <<click here to email Mary Ellen F. O'L.

January 12, 2009:

-----Original Message-----

From: Mary Ellen O'Leary [mailto:oleary@math.sc.edu]
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 11:13 AM
Maybe I can start the grandchildren photos with this one I just received from my daughter. It's our grandson Hammond, age 2, sharing a special moment with his cousin, also 2.
Mary Ellen


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Click on photo to make bigger. 
Click BACK on your browser to return to this page.

Posted Sept 23, 2004 : Mary Ellen writes: Catherine's parents are Jim (our oldest) and Lindy O'Leary.  The man about to eat the bird is my husband John O'Leary.  (It's not a great picture of him -- he really doesn't look that old!)  The bird's name is Erin; she belongs to a young woman named Joy who stayed with us years ago as part of the Irish Children's Summer Program and later came over to be an Irish nanny for Catherine's twin brothers.  Catherine is a cutie, isn't she?  She's always in a good mood, and is up for anything --will try water-skiing, ice skating, bowling, whatever. 

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 Catherine the granddaughter, and Erin the bird

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John O'Leary and Erin.
Just kidding!

Ginger Grealy Cutler <<-click here to email Ginger

Kyle Flaherty

Son of Erica (Ginger and Fred's daughter) Flaherty and her husband Ed.

Born March 31, 2006

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Jack Edward, his older brother 

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one year later, Sept 2005jack & grandmacr.jpg (53308 bytes)

Mary Ellen Palmeri  <<-click here to email Mary Ellen P.

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Mary Ellen with flanked by son and daughter and 9 week old Jet

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Jet with Mary Ellen's daughter at his 1st Birthday

Sadieann Zogby Spear <<-click here to email Sadieann
 Our first featured Grandchild:

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Oct 19, 2005: 

I am attaching a fairly recent photo of me with my newest grandchild, Isabella AKA Izzy. She was born July 14 and is 6 weeks old in the photo. She lives in Arlington VA with her mom - my daughter Rachel - director of student opportunities at the medical school at George Washington University, and dad, a foreign service officer on the China desk at the Department of State.



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Sadieann Zogby Spear is a Grandmother. She has a new--her first--granddaughter, born March 29, 2004 to her son, Christian and his wife.
Julia Elizabeth is quite a cutie!

lr 2009 Jan 12