
Picture of the Week

Barb Olmstead has been scanning pictures from Karen Boggs photo album. Wonderful. Amazing how young we all looked, isn't it? Plus a few from the here and now.

Send us (pauline@naz66.org) yours!  Or, send your "vintage" photo/s to me and I can scan and post. (If you have a scanner and can scan your own, send directly to me: pauline@naz66.org

Dec 23, 2007: Older Pictures of the Week have been moved to an Archives Page. 
To go to the Archive Page, click here or on Archives at upper left.

Remember: Click on photo to see it larger. Click BACK on your browser to return here.

December 1, 2009 last rev 9/24/18
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Joan Reidy and Donna Argenbright going to the Christmas....?
Photo was developed Mar '66 so assume it is a December 1965 photo. 
Click on photo to see larger view. Click BACK on your browser to return to this page.

July 13 2009
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Msgr Shannon with Sue Gladfelter.

Aug 30, 2008

Too see more wedding pictures, click here. Thanks Pat!

Aug 27, 2008

There's Going to be a Wedding!

Barb Olmstead and Tom Long.
The wedding is August 30, 2008.

More pictures of the shower Aug 26--click here.

Aug 1, 2008
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 Kathy, Eileen and Mary Pat rehearse 
"One Finger, One Thumb.."

May 29, 2008
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 Pat Cutis Link

May 17, 2008

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Surprise Party, October 1964

Pauline here. I should not admit this, but these photos was taken at my house on Harvard Street--but I have no memory of the party. Does anyone else remember?

The photo is dated Oct 64, the fall of our Junior year.

From Left: Nancy Neary Long, Mary Beth McIntyre Henneberry (based on the hair and another photo of the skirt), Caroline DelPietra Frost, Camille Vistocco DelVecchio, Linda Iacelli, Nora Brennan Shannon.

Further proof below that it was at my house. From left: Mary Anne Walsh Grattan?, Pauline Angione (I definitely remember the green suede shoes!), Mary Ellen Foody O'Leary, Pat Curtis Link, so of my mother's dolls in the background. 

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March 29, 2008
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Gym Suits, Circa 1963

Sharon Kehoe, Peg?? and Barb O. in background.

Weren't those suits grand? One piece, so that they didn't fit anyone. But at least they didn't have skirts, like the ones in high school.

February 5, 2008
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Sisters Magdelan and Marie Angela in Washington D. C. it would appear--from the Washington Monument feature behind them, circa? but definitely the old habit.

Probably one of those trips to take photos to show us in the dark in Art History Class.

December 23, 2007
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Title: "Our Salvation Army Band"...
ending you best wishes for a Merry Christmas and all the best in 2008.

December 4, 2007
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 Ann Costello and Maureen

November 2007
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Ann McDonald Cochran 
and Stasia Boblak Callan

Perhaps the origins of the 40th Reunion Conga line?

September 10, 2007

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Pauline Angione and Charles Alexander in "Tennis Shoe" by Shel Silverstein.
(I play the role of the incipient Bag Lady) 

Remember, click on photo to see larger version. Click BACK on your browser to return to this page.

We have a little local theater group, the Meetinghouse Theatre Ensemble and I have been doing lighting, costumes, readings, and yikes! acting.

Below: in a lighter moment, doing Improv the same evening.

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to see the older pictures, click HERE

lr 13 July 2009