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This page is the early Picture of the Week photos. The have been moved here
so that the current page will load sooner.
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June 19, 2007 |
Stasia and Karen's Mom |
April 29, 2007 |
The Group, it says in Karen's photo album.
Back: Cathy Gibbons, Elaine Tantillo, ??
Front: ??, Linda?, Carol?, Mary Ann Fackelman |
April 4, 2007 |
Us! In the Group shot in Connections. |
Feb 17, 2007 |
Maria Theresia Schnabl Dreier and her granddaughter
Virginia. Thanks to Patty for the pictures...which I will return shortly! |
Nov 10, 2006 |
Mary Ann Fackelman and ?? on the beach in France??
Sept 13, 2006 |
Sr. Thomas Marion trying to get our attention.
Sept 4 |
Camille as Oracle. 'Twas ever thus!
Aug 29 |
Alice, Kathy, Elaine....looks like a good time...
Aug 22 |
Le Puy Picnic:
Bunny Remick, Ann Carmody, Barb Olmstead, Clair McAdam, Julie
Sullivan, Sue Farley, Judy Kuntz and Karen Baroness.
It is left as an exercise to the reader to get the right name,
correctly spelled attached to the right person ;-)
Aug 15 |
The Tri-Beta (Biology Honor Society) Conference.
Donna Eddy, Pauline Angione, Maria Schnabl reported on their
Pauline was able to report that she was unable to replicate the
process she was using! But it was fun cleaning out the fruit fly
bottles with ether.
Aug 7 |
Bishop Kearney at what appears to be a St. Patrick's Day festivities.
Seems Mary Beth has caught his hat, but the real question is...will he
give us an unplanned day off??
Aug 1 |
Dean's Hour: the highlight of intellectual stimulation: Eileen,
Barb, Judy
July 26 |
Dorm style:
Dottie,Suzanne Thomas, and Mary Kay Schwonke
July 19 |
The Senior Art Major Exhibit Poster
Back row: Sadieann Zogby, Mary Randall, Mary Jo Spencer, Liz Speno,
Maureen McDonald Crumb, Judy Sheflin, Ann Costello
Front Row: Marleen Bowman, Dawn Donovan, Jane Schopfer
July 9 |
??? A skit?
Identified as: Pat Curtis, Bunny Remick and Sharon McMillan
July 1 |

Christmas Caroling at the Motherhouse.
Bunny, Judy, Karen, Ginger, Carolyn, Mary,
June 26 |
The Towners. The flowered dresses are kind of hard to miss but check
out those white gloves too!
June 18 |
4th Floor Medaille
Front Row: Pat Murray, Barb Olmstead, Pat O'Connor, Karen Moore,
Cathy LaLonde
Back Row: Liz Speno, Carol Kuhlberg, Maria Schnabl, RoseMarie
Mary Margaret Snider
June 11 |
Singing in the smoker...
Karen, Judy, Jeanne, Judy, Mary Beth, Nancy? and..
June 4 |
Nora and Jane at the Park. |
May 28 |

Mary Ann Fackleman and Bunny Remick..studying? |
May 22--Picture 1 |

Kathy, Pat, Mary Ann, Mary Ellen and ??
Another "Towners" performance.
On the bleachers?? |
lr 23 Dec 2007 |