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Reunion Prep Stuff
This is stuff moved from the home page to here on April 4, 2007 so that it is
not clogging up the home page.
Final Week Sept 17-23 News & Summary of Stuff YOU Need
- FLASH!! Magnificent Job!!!!
The Development Office sent these
numbers this morning for the Class Gift as of Sept
(So this is without the money from the Quilt raffle at Kate's on
$ 27,011.00 and 62% Participation.
Our goal was 50%, $20,000.00
A HUGE "Thank you." to Karen Boggs for all the
pictures that she took in college that now grace our Picture
of the Week page. And, to her modern day photo-lab, Barbara Olmstead,
for scanning them.
Kate has arranged with the Alumni office to have our class meet with Fr. Shannon
at 3 PM before the 4 PM Memorial Mass on Saturday. (Details to
follow--here--re meeting. Mass is at Linehan Chapel, Golisano Academic Center, Nazareth College.)
Campus Map on Nazareth College site? Click
- Msgr. Shannon now has his own
special page here! Please send photos, memories for the page.
- Check out the "See Us Now" entry. Click
here to go there.
- Lyrics for the Class of '66 song and the Alma Mater...you
can start practicing.
- So far, there are 72 of us, registered
for reunion.
That is way more than any other anniversary class! Of course. Remember, if you click on a name that is blue and underlined, it will open
an email in your mail tool.
- Hotels and Other Logistics: There is hotel info on the Nazareth Alum site. For details click
- Directions to the get-together on Friday are up. Click
- Campus Map.
- Schedule
of events at Reunion.
- QUILT: Don't forget the Quilt!
Save your pennies. If you are not going to be at the reunion, be sure to
contact Karen and get your tickets ahead of time. You do NOT need to be
present to win.
- If you are looking for someone to travel with or room with, send email to 40threunion@naz66.org
and give necessary info: like who you are, where you live, how you want to
travel, etc. When anyone responds to your email it can come only to you!
- Picture of the
Week. We are going to keep it going after Reunion. Click
here for more info and past pictures.
- Remember, there is a SEARCH page on this
site. See above, left: Search Just type in
what you are looking for and it will give you links to the pages on which
the info appears.
- If you are not going to be able to attend the reunion SEND
me a note to the class, and/or picture to post here. There is now a "See
Us Now" page where you can send us a photo of your-very-self. ( See the
latest photo of the Poker
group from Rochester.) Find one of recent vintage and send it
along. You can send it (attach it. max size message 300KB)) to an
email to 40threunion@naz66.org
or to me directly at pauline@naz66.org
and I will put it up here.
May 22, 2006
Introducing the "Picture of the Week" feature.
Barb Olmstead has
been scanning photos from "yesteryear", many from a album created
by Karen Boggs. Each week a new picture
will be featured on this home page. Send YOUR photos to Barb
and she will scan and we will post.
New quilt
pictures. The quilt is almost finished. Have you been saving your
money to buy chances at the luncheon Friday or Saturday Sept. 23rd?